Orders typically arrive between 10-20 business days after processing time.
Our products are shipped from our warehouses located throughout America and other locations. This allows us to ensure that our product arrives to our customers in a timely and efficient manner.
We Pride ourselves on the quality of our products. If you are seeing our advertisements it is because the product WILL work for YOU! We make sure to only show the product to the Customers who will benefit from it. Hope this helps! Have a nice day!
The methods of payment we offer are as follows: Paypal, Apple Pay, credit card and Google Pay, hope this helps and sorry for any inconvenience.
We want to ensure that all our customers receive the best quality products! Depending on what happens we have many ways to help you out including; sending another replacement product, issuing a refund, or simply offering technical support help. You can contact info@mobiletechhub.com at any time with any issues!